The 8-point face lift is a non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatment created to add lift, volume and shape to the face. As we age, we naturally lose fat pads which shrink and drop within our faces this causing wrinkles, laxity and volume loss. The 8-point facelift combats these signs of ageing using dermal fillers administered through both cannula and needle to restore these concerns in the skin. Areas of the face that are targeted during this treatment include Lateral & Medial Cheek, Marionette Lines, Angle of Mandible, Cheek Hollows, Nasolabial Folds and Pre Jowl sulcus. This technique is specifically designed using soft dermal fillers to create lift and restore lost volume.
- Overview of facial anatomy
- Consultation process for an 8 Point Lift.
- Advice on products, storage, dosage, pain management and safety aspects
- Consent, consultation, aftercare and managing patient expectations
- Theories behind Ageing and the triangle of youth
- How to prevent and manage complications
- Live demonstration by tutor
- ‘Hands on’ practical training
- When to use a cannula and when to use a needle